The ESAE aims to raise awareness and understanding of SDC’s Ethical Code and Ethical Guidelines 2018 (ECEG) to ensure that all dental practitioners remain updated on the standards of ethical practice required in their line of professional duties and responsibilities.
Dentists and Oral Health Therapists (OHTs) must fulfil the Continuing Professional Education (CPE) and Basic Cardiac Life Support (BCLS) requirements to renew their PC biennially.
For dentist PC validity that starts from 1 January 2026, the Table below shows the additional requirement (for Qualifying Period [QP] 01/10/2023 – 30/09/2025) when dentists apply for PC renewal from 1 October 2025.
For OHT PC validity that starts from 1 January 2027, the Table below shows the additional requirement (for QP 01/10/2024 – 30/09/2026) when OHTs apply for PC renewal from 1 October 2026.
The ESAE will be administered in the form of an online self-learning module. Dentists must complete and pass the module with a score of 80%. They will be given unlimited attempts to pass the quiz during the 3-month period.
Dentists need not submit their results to the SDC as it will be automatically recorded by the online ESAE system. It may take up to 4-6 weeks for their ESAE participation (only applicable to those who have passed the module) to be updated and reflected in their respective Professional Registration System (PRS) record.
For AMS Fellows/Members, please click the button below to log into your AMS Learning account.
For Non-AMS Fellows/Members, please click the button below to register.
If you have further enquiries, please contact:
Singapore Dental Council at [for implementation/policy related enquiries], or
CDSS, AMS at [for registration and fee payment/technical related enquiries].
The National Medical Ethics Committee (NMEC) was tasked to look into avenues and modes to increase the awareness of ethics in the clinical professions and espousal of the principles and ethos underpinning the Ethical Code and Ethical Guidelines (ECEG).
The Ministry of Health (MOH) Healthcare Ethics Capability Committee (HECC) was also set up to make recommendations to prepare and support healthcare practitioners to be better acquainted with the ECEG to enable them to practise ethically and safely. |
Dentists will need to fulfil the online ESAE as part of the requirement for PC renewal from October 2025 (Qualifying Period (QP) 01/10/2023 – 30/09/2025). Dentists can start to register for ESAE starting May 2024.
Dentists do not need to fulfil the online ESAE requirement for the upcoming PC renewal in October 2023 (QP 01/10/2021 – 30/09/2023).
Oral Health Therapists (OHTs) will need to fulfil the online ESAE as part of the requirement for PC renewal from October 2026 (QP 01/10/2024 – 30/09/2026). OHTs can start to register for ESAE starting 01/01/2025.
OHTs do not need to fulfil the online ESAE requirement for the upcoming PC renewal in October 2024 (QP 01/10/2022 – 30/09/2024). |
The online ESAE is a mandatory requirement for all dentists starting from PC renewal 2025 and all OHTs starting from PC renewal 2026. All dental practitioners regardless of age group must pass the ESAE to renew their PC. There will be no exemption from the ESAE. |
A randomised set of 20 questions will be generated for each attempt, which includes the following common themes in complaints. Please refer to the ECEG 2018 for guidance.
Patient Management/Treatment
Honesty (i.e. concerns over cheating and fraud)
The interactive module needs to be completed in its entirety before you are allowed attempt the quiz. Click on all icons and complete the corresponding sections and a checkmark will appear upon completion. You may track your progress on the left under Menu. Completed sections will be greyed out. |
Dental practitioners must complete all modules and attain at least 80% in the quiz to pass the online ESAE. Dental practitioners will not be able to renew their PC if they did not pass the online ESAE. |
For all non-AMS fellows/members, the course fee (inclusive of GST) is SGD $50.00. There will be unlimited attempts within a 3-month period from the start of your ESAE registration. If you exceed the 3-month period, you will need to make payment again to extend your access for another 3 months between May 2024 to 30 September 2025.
For all AMS fellows/members in good standing, registration for this course is complimentary and there is no 3-month limitation on the access period.
We accept payment via credit/debit card. Payment is processed via Stripe Payments. |
Currently, CDSS, AMS is the only provider for SDC’s mandatory ethics requirement. The online ESAE is not restricted to AMS fellows/members only. All dental practitioners will be able to take part in the online ESAE by CDSS, AMS. |
Dental practitioners will receive 5 core CPE points (Dental) upon completion of the module and passing the ESAE quiz. These 5 core points will be counted towards the 70 CPE points requirement (of which 14 must be core points). |
The ESAE results will be recorded by the online ESAE system. For dental practitioners who have passed the quiz, their results will be updated on the PRS directly (it may take up to 4-6 weeks for your ESAE participation to be updated and reflected in your PRS record). |